Please choose your role below to get started:
Crew Members & Crew Trainers
Deactivated Account
Your account has been deactivated.
Restaurant Managers & Franchisees
Franchisees, Franchisee Office Staff and Restaurant Managers
McDonald's Corporate
Employees, Consultants and Suppliers
By logging in, I agree to the Security Notice.
For security purposes, we recommend you do not check the "Remember me" option when logging in from shared device.
Security Notice
Only individuals with an authorized user name and password may utilize McDonald's secure web sites and applications. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Federated Partners
Enter your [Havi] email below to be taken to the Havi login page.
Invalid email address
e.g. user@domain.com
Would you like us to remember you?
If you are using a personal device, we can save your username for next time. If you share this device with others, do not choose this option.